Saturday, February 18, 2006

Hi Everyone


I'm Alison but eveyone calls me Ali. I'm a bit of a feedee, I'm 240 pounds and over xmas I gained 10 pounds and in the last few weeks I've gained 5 pounds, so I put up a profile on Fantasy Feeder. I got so many responses I figured I'd make this blog for you all to see.

Well my life is pretty boring at the moment. Since I left school I've done nothing but lounge around. I've gained about 3 stone since I finished school because my day is mostly sat at a computer, watching tv, down a pub or eating in a fast food place. I'm not exactly proud of being such a lazy glutton, but I am and I'm happy with it. Lol.

I think the last bit of excersise I did was in year 9 when I sprained my ankle when they forced me into gym. I guess I was about 11 stone back then, and after that they let me skip gym. I gained about a stone I think when I wasn't in gym and then they just let me do the arts and crafts and the PE theory tests and things like that. I ran for a bus a while back but I'm just too damn heavy, I couldn't make it more than 50 yards so I try not to bother.

I think I know why I'm this big. I just got carried away with my food as a kid and my parents wouldn't let me go out and play until I was 9, but by then I was already fat and lazy. So then girls gave me shit at school and I just turned to the fridge. I ate tons and now I have a huge stomach, I can eat way more than anyone I know. I don't care what they think of me now, it just doesn't mean anything to me.

So now I'm just a fat lazy pigglet. I like that term, someone I was chatting to last night told me it and I can't stop thinking about it everytime I look at my big fat tummy.

I'm 18 on March 15th, so I figured it'd be great if I could push 250 pounds by then. I have plenty of time to gain. I gain quite slowly, given how much I eat and how little excersise I do. I think I eat a good 4-5000 calories a day and only spend about 1800, so I should be immobile by now, but luckily it takes me a while.

However since I left school I've gained at about 1 and a half stone a year. Not too much I suppose, but by the time I'm 20 I'll weigh 20 stone. And then at 22 I'll weigh 23 stone. And at 24 I'll weigh 26 stone. So at 40 I could be about 50 stone! I don't want to be that fat but I can't stop eating. I don't want to stop eating, I love stuffing myself and I love chocolate and macdonalds and pizzas, but if I carry on like this I'll be in a wheelchair before I reach the menopause.

But until then I can just lay back and eat until I pop. Lol!!!

So I thought you might like to know what I do in an average day.

Well yesterday for example, I got up at 10 and my parents were already out, so I took out the frying pan and cooked up 6 eggy breads. That's where you cut a little hole in the bread and then crack an egg into it, then you flip it and fry both sides. I like mine buttered on both sides (and I love to eat the holes I cut out, they're so nice), and I fry everything in lots of oil. There's only vegetable oil in the house but it's good enough, its all fat right? So I ate those and then had a big bowl of coco-pops. We have full fat milk in my house too, which is great because it tastes so creamy with coco-pops. I could have done with some pancakes but I couldn't be bothered to make them. Some mornings I make them but I just didn't feel like it. When I do I have about 20, but after 6 eggybreads I don't know if I'd have managed a full batch.

I watched tv for an hour, we have sky+ so I watched malcom in the middle. I had a brownie, I always save one for malcom in the middle, I go to the shop and buy 6 every other day, they're the mm's ones, so I can have one with the tv, one at night and one more whenever I feel like it. The assistant told me she had to order an extra box because I brought so many. Lucky they're cheap.

For lunch I met up with my freind Sue, she goes to college until about midday and then we hang out for a few hours. We went to macdonalds, you'd think I'd be bored of it but I'm not yet. I had a big mac, large fries, a large chocolate milkshake, a large coke a donut and a crunchie mcflurry. My belly was so full my jeans were digging in even more. It was actually a little painful with the belt buckle biting into my gut. We split up so she could go and see her boyfriend and since I still had room I went over to this cafe and ordered a pasty and a muffin. Then I was pretty damn full so I decided to just stop eating, but I felt like chocolate, so I brought a flake too from the newsagents. There's always room for one chocolate bar right?

I went home and lounged around for a while and had some pasta at about 4. And when I say some, I mean 2 and a half massive bowl fulls. I was stuffed after that but managed a brownie and a mars ice cream that I had stashed in the freezer. That's when I made my profile and started getting all those e-mails. Lol.

Then me and Sue and Sarah went out for the night. We usually get served although only Sue is old enough. I always look it because the bar staff can't belive someone so young could be so obese. Lol!!! I didn't get drunk, I only had a few bacardis and a smirnoff ice, then we went to get something to eat. I was starving hungry. Drink makes me feel so hungry, I always have to eat after a few drinks. Sue and Sarah fancied going to the chip shop but I was craving a cheese burger. We went to macdonalds (again!) because they have the nicest relish. I had two cheese burgers and a large fries, but the milkshake machine was broken again so I had a coke. I couldn't carry a mcflurry so I had to leave it. Sue and Sarah only had a large fries between them. Then we ran into one of Sarah's exes as he was going into KFC so we followed him in. I ordered a popcorn chicken because I'd finished one of my burgers by the time we got to the counter and I don't like the idea of people eating without me. I know it's weird but I felt like I had to order something and that's all I really had room for. In my hands I mean, my stomach was crying out for more and more lol!!!!

We had a couple more drinks and we did end up going to the chip shop later on (I think it was almost 11) and I had a huge portion of chips and this massive sausage. I remember Sue kept making jokes about what I'd like to do with it and I said it was too small. It wasn't really, it was just too hot. And if I did that with it I'd never eat it lol!

Then we split up and I went home and that's when I logged on and all of you started to IM me. I finished up the night with some left over ommlette, a big cadbury's muffin, a flake dessert pot (don't know what to call it, it's just chocolate pudding with bits of flake on the side) and my last brownie.

I spoke to so many of you but I had to turn so many away and I feel really bad about that so that's what this is for. Now I can tell you what I've been up to.

I'm going on a bit of a holiday next week. I know I don't work or anything but Plymouth can get boring. I'm going to see some old school freinds in London and I'm going to be eating junk food 24/7. Well, 24/5 because that's how long I'm going away for. I'll only be able to do this blog in private so I may not update until then but come back in a week and I'll have put up something.

Thank you all for messaging me, you were all really sweet. Hope you enjoy my blog. Bubi......

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