Hi Everyone!!!!
Sorry I’ve taken so long to talk to you all, I’ve been a bit selfish lol!
I just haven’t had anything much to tell you all for the last couple of weeks, except on Wednesday I turned 18!!!! Also you probably want to know what I weigh, well after my birthday I’ve rounded off at just under 270 pounds :$
Anyway My birthday was ace, I got lots of nice presents, like a new CD player (which sadly I’ll never use since all my songs are on my laptop anyway) lots of money and some nice clothes. My mum got me some really nice clothes that fit but she also got me this really, really, REALLY nice dress but it’s a size 14. She says it’s an incentive to slim down. I don’t know what she’s thinking, on the average diet it’d take until the menopause before I could fit in it!
The best thing about my birthday was all the food and drink! I got totally hammered! And Sue and Sarah didn’t have any idea what to get me for my birthday so they made me a cake :)! And not just any cake, it was a fucking huge chocolate cake with loads of icing and three, count them, THREE layers of cake! Sue handed it to me when she came in the door and it weighed a ton. I’m amazed they got it in the oven lol!
And my mum had already made me a nice cake (she’d made it a little healthier, cut back on the sugar and used marg instead of butter, that sort of thing, and sadly made it smaller :( ) and my nan brought me a cake round!!! She hasn’t seen me since before Christmas I think and she was amazed I’d gotten so big. She doesn’t really care like mum though I mean she’s huge too lol! She’s nice to me anyway.
My mum made pizza on French breads, waffles, salads (because she’s still into healthy eating lol), cheese burgers (because I asked her to as she does really nice ones), and then lots of party food like Doritos and dips and sausage rolls and things.
I ate soooo much! I started off the morning with a full English breakfast which my dad cooked for me, 2 eggybreads, dozens of pancakes (well maybe not dozens lol) and toast and a milkshake!!! I was so full I thought I was going to explode! I had to go lie down in bed again for a bit while I watched a DVD (mum got me Serenity, I’m a geek I watched the TV show :) ). When I felt better I had an Easter egg (I should count, but I’ve taken down the boxes twice and right now there’s 4 boxes and room for a few more so you can probably estimate :$
I showered, got dressed and waddled downstairs again (I waddle now not sure if that’s a sign I’m actually seriously overweight ????) and that’s when Sue and Sarah turned up and gave me their cake!! (Which was the BEST!!!). Then my family started turning up (Oh I got up about 11 and everyone started turning up at about 1.30). We all had a good time, Sue was going to bring her boyfriend but he didn’t want to come, we don’t get on too well. He said once that he doesn’t like Sue going out with me because when we go out we get really hammered and she flirts with other guys. She doesn’t mean it but he won’t believe her. Anyway we’ve never got on since then. So there wasn’t really many people there, just my aunt and uncle, my nan and grampy, my parents (obviously) and Sue and Sarah.
Mum brought in the nibbles at about 2.30 and I don’t think I stopped eating until my memory fizzles out at about 10. Apparently everyone had a slice of cake each except my aunt (she’s a diet freak half the year, pig the other half) and my grampy because he has doctor’s orders (poor old guy :( ), and there was about half of Sue and Sarah’s cake and half of my nan’s left the next morning, so I think I ate about a cake and a half!! I’m surprised I didn’t die of chocolate poisoning!!!!! Sue said we went out for a drink for the night too and all the bar staff at our local were a bit pissed off because I made the mistake of telling them it was my 18th and I’ve been going there for nearly 2 years :$ . Also apparently Sarah got wasted and puked in a bin (unusual for her), she doesn’t remember it but Sue said she had too much cake, and then she went home. So me and Sue went to the kebab shop and I got a chicken wrap, a burger and something else she can’t remember but it wasn’t chips, I was off those apparently. But I’m never off chips lol!
Anyway it was a great night, I woke up the next morning with a headache, a sore throat, blurry vision, a serious stomach ache, sticky knickers (don’t have a clue why honest), a serious case of the shits (spent about an hour on the toilet that morning :$) and somewhere along the line I’d found a watch. I haven’t got a clue honestly I really hope I didn’t steal it. But It’s not like I was in a state where I could have taken someone’s watch without them noticing is it lol??
I finished what was left of the cakes on Thursday. I’ve just spent the last few days munching Easter eggs and the chocolate bars that go with them. I’ve been taking it easy since my birthday. Maybe its better that I don’t go back how I’ve been the last 2 and a half months. From Christmas to my Birthday and call that a day. But I can’t see that happening can you lol? I haven’t weighed myself since Thursday but I’ll weigh myself and update so you can all see what I weigh.
Thanks for all your e-mails, keep them coming. Sorry I’ve been so long to reply. Oh and I can’t reply if you don’t give me much to go on. And try and remember I’m not a feedee I’m just a big girl who likes her food lol!
Bubi for now!!!
Happy Birthday :P
270, huh? Way to go!
You may not consider yourself a feedee, but considering that you seem to really enjoy eating lots and the gain that goes with it, you might be a self-feeder of sorts?
I don't suppose there's any chance of you posting a pic or two (with your face blurred out, if you're concerned about privacy) to show off your size?
You've added 15 pounds in less than a month, and it doesn't sound like you're deliberately gaining weight... that's SO cool! And definately a little sexy all by itself :)
I would think the way your appetite's been, that your belly has been growing faster than anything else, is that the case? Just curious :)
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