Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Updates from MySpace

These are updates from last year that I did on MySpace. Sorry they're all in a mess and probably suck but for those of you who missed them, here they are.

August 1, 2009 - Saturday

Hi all, I can't get onto blogger so I'll upload this update here temporarily . . . I've been up and down like a yo-yo this past week. I spent 2 weeks sat around the flat feeling sorry for myself. I really got a taste of what it will be like to be immobile. Especially with my friends posting pictures of themselves getting suntanned in exotic climes while im sat on my sofa sweating and literally getting bedsores. I don't know for sure what my weight got to, but my mum and my bf both had a go at me and convinced me to go and get some exercise. I had literally not even done stairs in over 2 weeks and the only thing that had made me breathless was large family readymeals.

I went for a drive to the moors and Henry and I went for a walk for a little while. Everything ached and hurt but I began to get over it and really started to feel better. Since then I've been getting as much walking done as I can. I can't go far before I'm out of breath, and I keep going on yahoo when I stop for a rest so you may see more of me. I got my weight down to 30 stone 9 pounds, my scale finally agreeing to weigh me. I lost a lot of weight really fast and felt the difference. I weighed Henry in at 26 stone 11 that same day which I was really proud of and he was really excited that it made me so happy. That night we had the most amazing fuck I've had in a long time and . . . well . . . I'm hoping that I'm pregnant.

I began to feel weird and get sick for no reason and took a test which said positive. I'm not 100% but I really am shocked that I've got a positive result. I don't know whether to check again yet, but I will when I get around to it.

My weight has obviously gone back up because my scales refuse to weigh me again. I will be going to my doctor next week if I get another positive result so I will get another weigh in.

I estimate my daily calorie intake to be about 10,000 at the moment, but I'm doing a lot of walking and using my exercise bike. I want to be pregnant and if I am I want to get a bit fitter to make everything easier. I'll do a test soon and see how things go.
11:28 AM
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October 28, 2008 - Tuesday

Hi all, Only a short blog as I have a throbbing headache, but I've nothing else to do today. I've been awake since 4.30 this morning and being sick and I've got the runs. I've been ill for a few days now and glad I'm not working. Have the heating on full and still cold :( brrr. Haven't eaten much because it comes right back up and all I can drink is fruit squash, anything else, even water, doesn't agree with me :S I'll go to docs if I get worse, but seriously, all she's said to me in ages is loose weight and you'll feel better so I don't actually expect help. I got to go, feel something bad coming :( eek!
6:54 AM
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October 18, 2008 - Saturday

Hi all,

It's been a busy few weeks for me and I'm not a happy bunny. Let's start with the first of my problems. A few days ago I apologised for missing so many days work and my boss told me that, while she hadn't wanted to mention it at the time, she was glad because she wasn't able to find enough work for me. The problem being that with a fall in house prices people seem less likley to do home improvements. We sell the stuff that you need to refit a bathroom or kitchen and various other things like that, and currently we have a pile of stock worth a good few grand in a warehouse that nobody's buying. That leaves less paperwork and she's doing it herself. Even her son has got another job! So being a lazy bitch with rich and generous parents, I said to her only to call me in if I was needed. I'm not technically redundant, but I'm technially not working. This means I'm spending all day on my ass eating junk and playing ps2, and I think I'll hit 30 stone by xmas without a doubt.

My other issue is my periods, or more to the point the lack of them. Even though I eat the same junk day in day out for years, only the last couple of months have I felt affected. My periods usually last for 5 days or so, but my last one only lasted 2 days and it wasn't very bad, and that was too long ago now. My doctor guessed at polycisytismcaicicaposylosc ovaries, where cysts form and block a ladies natural 'processes', however she wasn't in the mood to give me any tests and frankly if it's anything serious I'm going to sue her (not the NHS, just her personally) but I'm not worried. She weighed me and her scales clinked to a good 25 stone (I jumped off in terror before getting the pounds) but that was a few weeks ago. I'm probably over 26 by now, but it's not like I'm watching my weight.

My mum said the other day that I 'just keep getting bigger and bigger' and then said that as long as I'm happy then she'll stop nagging me. Something tells me that her recent, and quite astonishing, gain of 4 stone has something to do with it. I didn't notice until she told me. She gave me a load of her old clothes too and hasn't started a diet so I'm guessing she's taken a leaf out of my book for a change.

I mentioned last time that Amiee is dieting, well I was out for a drink with her and her boyfirend (I don't know where mine was, 2 bottles of magners and he goes on unauthorised walkies) when she said 'I'm really craving a kebab. I could eat a dozen.' She laughed, then he said 'Yeah but don't, because you've done so well with your diet'. It was true, she is noticably slimmer and seems more energetic, but I wasn't having him talking like that. 'So, do you think I'm unnatractive?' I asked. He looked like he was shitting himself as I gave him the best evils I could manage. Looking back I was being a bitch. 'Yeah you're attractive but, Amiee wants to be thin.' - 'No,' I began, 'YOU want her to be thin because you think your mates are laughing at you, you think she's suppoed to be skinny. Do you actually think she's attractive?' - Amiee stopped me before I could continue but, being in a mood I just got up and went to leave. I asked Amiee to come get a kebab with me but she insisted that she didn't want anything and I left. I got a carrierbag's worth from my local kebab shop and went home for the usual binge. Amiee text me saying he apologised to me, but it's not my feelings I'm worried about. Harry eventually made an appearance but was too drunk and passed out on the sofa, his only contribution was making the cooked part of my breakfast in the morning.

I could probably keep ranting but I won't. If I think of anything else to say then I'll do another blog . . . Does anyone read this?

6:46 PM
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September 25, 2008 - Thursday

Read other update first!
Anyway, more rain put out my bbq (but not before I'd had 4 burgers and at least 4 sausages) and we quickly packed our stuff into our tents and sure enough, my tent starts leaking! I wasn't majorly full but I couldn't move without my stomach hurting so I just laid down and read a book. I heard them chatting in the other tent, one of them said something about how much I ate, then another replied with something I couldn't hear and they burst out laughing. I love my cousin but she wasn't making me feel welcome. After a while they said they were going for a walk to the beach, and even when it's raining I simply love the beach, so I walked down with them. I'd packed a handbag with my purse and phone but then filled it with 4 snickers and 4 twix, all of which were eaten by the end of the walk, which can't have lasted more than an hour. I was exhausted, my legs were killing me and my back ached, so when I saw the tent almost drenched inside I decided to call it a day and go home. The girls didn't seem to mind, which put me in a shitty mood as I wrung out fabric and crammed it back in the bag. I said my goodbyes and went to tesco before going home, picking up a huge binge for the night. I don't remember everything but I know I ate 2 oven pizzas, 4 pot noodles, a large chocolate gauteo and a 6 person cheesecake, plus more that I can't remember. I went back to work the next day and binged badly all week. I think it was on the Thursday of that week that I 'dissconnected' myself from the world wide web. I'd left my laptop on the floor and stood on it as it was under some clothes. It crunched and now when I turn it on the screen stays black. I don't know what I weigh atm since I'm staying away from the scales. I know I'm still putting on weight, my clothes get tighter, my legs feel weaker, my car seems smaller and my mum's evils get worse. I think about 25 stone but I don't want to weigh myself to find out. I figure I'll do it at the docs for a humilation bonus. I need to go there as I've not had a period for almost 2 months and the last one wasn't like normal. I'm not pregnant, I just want to know what she says apart from 'loose weight'. Amiee has put on weight, she told me she's put on over a stone since the start of summer and she's going on a diet. Her boyfriend wants her to be really thin, I want to hit him, but she just doesn't have the money for a whole new wardrobe so wants to loose a stone. She said she was shocked when her Wii Fit told her she'd gained 10 pounds since she'd last used it and decided on the spot to loose some weight. As for Sarah, she's caching up with me, but I think it's going to upset her, she must be about 16 or 17 stone and I know how much she hates to be overweight. I've had a rocky road with my bf the last few weeks. It got really bad last weekend when he wanted to go out and I refused. He asked why and I told him it was simply that I'd brought a lot of food and wanted to stay in and eat. I'd said that as I pushed a slice of pizza in my mouth while sat watching TV. He went off on one saying I was obsessed with food and put it before him. I felt guilty but before I'd finished my mouthful he'd gone out. I tried to call him but he didn't speak to me for a few days until yesterday when he offered to take me for dinner. He apologised while we waited for our food. I ate 3 satay chicken, 4 dim sum, chicken chow mein, 8 sweet and sour chicken balls, peking pork, fried rice, a slice of fudge cake with 2 scoops of ice cream and a creamy sundee. He stayed the night but left early, making me feel a bit neglected, so I called sick and got up at 9 to make breakfast. 12 pancakes (some with lemon and sugar and some with syrup) a full english and 2 waffles with a tub of ben an jerrys cookie dough. i snacked as usual before having 2 large meals at mcdonalds and going on for the boneless bucket at KFC and a large pepsi, then for dinner I had 2 oven pizzas, a rustlers bbq rib and a rustlers 1/4 pounder. I just got back from the kebab shop and had a large donner, chicken sandwich and 2 large chips. I ate those and now I'm taking a nice hot bath (with a cheesecake, of course ;P) and later I'm having pot noodles and popcorn while I watch diary of the dead. The food has made me feel so good today, this lunchtime my stomach was so hard and stuffed that I felt like I could have brought myself to orgasm in seconds, but being out in public I wiseley decided not to. With every mouthful though has been the thougt, eating away at me, that Harry won't look after me if I hit 40 stone. I think it'll take me time, but I don't see us lasting forever. Anyway that's it, leave comments you ungrateful bicthes!
8:29 PM
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September 25, 2008 - Thursday

Blog Update
Current mood: hungry
Category: Blogging
Hi all, I'm posting on here because I can't get online atm (I'll explain later) and my phone won't let me log onto my usual blog. I'll cut and paste this to there when I get a chance. For now excuse any spellinging mistakes because my phone keypad isn't great for long msgs :P I may as well start where I left off. The camping didn't all go to plan :S I arrived at the campsite in the evening and there was a light drizzle soaking through my coat so I got in my cousin's tent for a while, which was only a 2 person 1 which already had 3 in it, plus me so my back was up against the side. I forgot that doing that makes the tent leak but after 10 minutes it was too late :( It'd made a puddle, soaking my butt and a pillow. As the rain didn't let up I just swapped it for the pillow I had in the car and went home. I came back the next morning and they weren't there but the tent was up so I put up mine and, not really that surprisingly, there were holes where I'd ripped it with the tent poles years ago. They came back shortly after I'd finished, they'd been to the beach while the sun was out. I'd brought a disposable bbq with me, thinking I'd be cool, and then I find out one of them's vegetarian and they're all on diets! I brought enough meat to feed a platoon of starving soldiers and only got them to eat 1 burger each! I, on the other hand, lost count of what I ate, and got a stomach ache! Sorry I'm busy (despite fact that I'm skiving today) so I'll finish this later.


Anonymous said...

woohooo you're blogging again!!!!!! good to hear the fat stories. :D xxx

chubsy said...

Hi, I've recently come across your blog. I'm envious of your body shape and size. :)

I hope you are well, you haven't posted for a while I see. I'm assuming you were pregnant and have had a baby.

I'm quite a porker myself. I've uploaded a few videos on youtube under my username of "Chubsygirl" I enjoy my food but I'm tiny in comparison to you.