Thursday, April 20, 2006

New life!

First off I'm sorry I haven't replied to your emails. I tell you what, if you wanna chat to me still send me an e-mail and tell me how uv bin doin, ask me a few questions and I'll reply when I read it. Sorry, but you know me, I'm lazy lol :P

I thought I'd try and go easy on what I eat for a few days and yesterday I only ate a little, compared with what I normally wolf down, and I realised that I'm not actually hungry. It's in my head, and when it's not it's my brain tricking me into thinking I'm hungry. I only ate half my usual breakfast and pushed lunch back to about 3, then had dinner with my family. I had seconds but I realised it made me full and when I took time to think of it, I didn't want any more.

I snacked quite a lot so I went well over my doctor's suggested 2000 calories, but really I think I did well and I'm pleased with myself for not giving into my usual gluttony. I've eaten loads of fruit in place of some of my snacks and got my mum to do extra veg for me at meal times and filled up on those and it's really worked, I feel much better. Also I feel stronger, getting up isn't as much of a challenge lol :P and the stairs aren't something I dread, and really that was down to a lack of energy. Sure I was getting calories, lots of them lol, but I still felt lazy because there was nothing healthy in my diet.

This is definately going to be a permanant change for me, I feel so, so much better. I think loosing weight is something that is beyond me for the time being, I suppose I'm still a major chocoholic and I am very, very lazy :P so I'm not going to slim down yet. But as much as you all like me how I am, I can't live at this size, and since I've balooned so much these last few months I really think I should take control of myself and stop getting fatter right now.

I'll do ok for the time being I think, if I can just control my diet for a few months, then I can probably loose a few stone (at least 5, I can't go on carrying this much weight, it's too much!).

So anyway, I'm afraid it's bad news for you guys, but I'll pig out once in a while and think of you, then tell you what I ate lol :)

Bubi 4 now, hugs and xx's



Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that this is a really good idea.

I've been reading your blog and all, and I am indeed an FA, but I think that at this time it's probably best to reverse gears and lose a little bit to get to a size you want to be at. 5 stone is quite a bit, I hafta say- but it's a decent goal nonetheless.

Doing this will make you feel better and you will be healthier than binging on McDonald's and pizza all the time. :P

Don't think, though, that you can't indulge once in a while. Pigging out every now and then, although it won't help with losing weight, won't really hurt you too much. 'Specially if you find it as erotic as you say.

In all honesty, I would be interested in hearing about your journey to becoming healthier, even if it means losing weight. I'm sure that there's some others who would like to hear as well. Basically, keep us updated! Use the blog here- we all love to hear about you, and damn those who would quit because you're growing to a size you don't want to be at.

If you ever want to talk, I can be reached on YIM at murphmanfa, or via email at if you'd prefer that. I'd love to talk to you, I'm just too shy to make the first private connection. :P

Anonymous said...

Fat and fit!

That's the way to go!
